Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Good luck Lulu!

Lulu has just had her last meal before tomorrow's procedure. Because she will be anesthetized for each treatment, she has to fast 8 hours before she is put under. She will be a very grumpy dog for the next 4 weeks!

This will be the last time in several months that we'll see Lulu's face like this. Tomorrow they will shave the right side of the nose/muzzle that needs the radiation treatment and there will be a 50/50 chance that the hair in that area will grow back. I'm not sure how big of an area they will treat but we'll find out tomorrow I suppose.

P.S. The prednisone makes Lulu farty.


  1. She will be the prettiest dog with or without hair there!! Good luck Lu,
    Love you very much!!

  2. Your blog about your dog is really cute and moving because I went through the same thing with my lab Ben a few years ago. He was diagnosed with a chondrosarcoma in his hip. We met with the ongologist and he told us of a few treatments possible for him, radiation and chemotherapy. But since radiation is not done for animals in Qc, for a month, once a week, my sister and dad drove Ben down to Boston for his treatment. Sadly, a few month after his diagnoses, he passed away. The radioation will make the doggy sleepy for a bit but the chemo didn't change Ben at all.
    People said we were crazy for doing all the treatments, going down to Boston, the chemo, but it didn't matter to us. We loved him so much he deserved to be treated all the way. What i'm trying to say is, good luck :) don't give up and stay positive.

  3. I hope that you, your family and most importantly Lulu stays happy and safe :) I'm so happy that she has such caring family and I wish you guys all the best!

  4. ..we are taking our lil one, a black Shih Tzu, Stella, into the vet (she should be in with the doctor at this very moment) we found this growth/lump right under eye.

    The photos in the park are amazing, Lulu really seemed to enjoy herself.. All my thoughts and prayers go out to you, your family and Lulu..<3

  5. Hello :)

    I usually follow your fashion blog, and ended up here. I am SO sorry for Lulu...I can't even imagine what you must be going through.

    She is one of the most beautiful dogs I've ever seen, and that she gets better soon.

    Take care, and update us soon!
